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Public Men and Virtuous Women
Los 'Trionfi' de Petrarca comentados en catalán: una edición de los manuscritos 534 de la biblioteca nacional de París y del Ateneu de Barcelona
Spain's Centuries of Crisis: 1300-1474
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The Dominican Republic and the Beginning of a Revolutionary Cycle in the Spanish Caribbean: 1861-1898
In Due Season: Essays on Novels of Development by Caribbean Women Writers
The Moche
Philip II of Spain
Guerras Civiles De Granada
Labor and Legality: An Ethnography of a Mexican Immigrant Network
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Propriety and Permissiveness in Bourbon Mexico
On Earth as It Is in Heaven: Religion in Modern Latin America
Revolution and Revolutionaries: Guerrilla Movements in Latin America
Transnational Latina Narratives in the Twenty-First Century: The Politics of Gender, Race, and Migrations
Luz Arce and Pinochet's Chile: Testimony in the Aftermath of State Violence
The Gang Paradox: Inequalities and Miracles on the U.S.-Mexico Border
Y Pensbamos Que Ramos Los MS Arrechos!: Como Hacernos Ricos O Ahogarnos En El Petrleo
Latin America in the World: An Introduction
Carlos Alberto Trujillo: Una Voz Poética de América del Sur
Kolumbien: Bildband mit 450 Fotos
Secret Dialogues
Gunpowder and Incense: The Catholic Church and the Spanish Civil War
Women On The U.S.-Mexico Border: Responses To Change
Peruvian Prehistory: An Overview of Pre-Inca and Inca Society
Nach Ecuador: Reisebilder
Memorias Del General O'leary, Volume 28, part 2
Landwirtschaft Und Kolonisation Im Spanischen Amerika; Volume 2
El Libro De La Plata
Geografía Militar Y Económica De La Península Ibérica Y Colonias De España Y Portugal
Old Panama and Castilla del Oro; a Narrative History of the Discovery, Conquest, and Settlement by the Spaniards of Panama, Darien, Veragua, Santo Dom
The Latin American Literary Boom and U.S. Nationalism During the Cold War
El Cosmos Desde El Alma Una Antologia de Amor
Intellectuals and the Search for National Identity in Twentieth-Century Brazil
Spaces of Madness: Insane Asylums in Argentine Narrative
Sites of Memory in Spain and Latin America: Trauma, Politics, and Resistance
Territories of History: Humanism, Rhetoric, and the Historical Imagination in the Early Chronicles of Spanish America
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Phonology
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Participatory Budgeting in Brazil: Contestation, Cooperation, and Accountability
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The Struggle for Madrid: The Central Epic of the Spanish Conflict 1936-1937
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