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Missionary Scientists: Jesuit Science in Spanish South America, 1570-1810
Intimate Ironies: Modernity and the Making of Middle-Class Lives in Brazil
Four Keys to El Salvador
Sobre las Culturas y Civilizaciones Latinoamericanas
Confessional Cinema: Religion, Film, and Modernity in Spain's Development Years, 1960-1975
Religious and Secular Theater in Golden Age Spain: Essays in Honor of Donald T. Dietz
La ciudad de una y mil máscaras: Nociones de Tijuana y la identidad tijuanense en la narrativa local
Performing Populism: Visions of Spanish Politics from 15-M to Podemos
Particularidades de la REGLA DE OSHA YORUBA doctrina africana animista conocida por SANTERIA
Music and Power in Early Modern Spain: Harmonic Spheres of Influence
The Qur'an in Sixteenth Century Spain: Six Morisco Versions of Sura 79
Before the Shining Path: Politics in Rural Ayacucho, 1895-1980
Tropical Riffs: Latin America and the Politics of Jazz
Our Habana
These People Have Always Been a Republic: Indigenous Electorates in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, 1598-1912
The Pottery Figurines of Pre-Columbian Peru: Volume II: The Figurines of the Central Coast
Violence, Coercion, and State-Making in Twentieth-Century Mexico: The Other Half of the Centaur
Social Foundations of Limited Dictatorship: Networks and Private Protection During Mexico's Early Industrialization
Long Journey to Justice: El Salvador, the United States, and Struggles against Empire
The Chaco War: Bolivia and Paraguay, 1932-1935
Native American Religions of Central and South America
The Pottery Figurines of Pre-Columbian Peru: Volume III: The Figurines of the South Coast the Highlands and the Selva
Visigothic Spain 409 - 711
Funerary Practices and Models in the Ancient Andes: The Return of the Living Dead
Journeys of Soviet Things: Cold War as Lived Experience in Cuba and India
The Legacy of the Filibuster War: National Identity and Collective Memory in Central America
La viticultura romana en el estuario del Guadalquivir: Las prácticas de cultivo, producción, distribución y modelado SIG en la colonia Hasta Regia
Politics and Urban Growth in Buenos Aires, 1910 1942
Vatican & Catholic Social Activism Ohm C
Tiempo, Sombras y Silencios: Colección de poemas
Transnationalism in Southern African Literature: Modernists, Realists, and the Inequality of Print Culture
Juventud, espacio urbano e industria cultural: Un estudio del medio sonidero
Identity and Power in the Ancient Andes: Tiwanaku Cities through Time
The Central American Republics.
Rural Poverty in Latin America
Mesoamerican Rituals and the Solar Cycle: New Perspectives on the Veintena" Festivals
Dependence, Independence, and Death: Toward a Psychobiography of Delmira Agustini
Reconciliation and Resistance in Early Modern Spain: Hernando de Baeza and the Catholic Monarchs
Latina Girls: Voices of Adolescent Strength in the U.S.
The Digital Edge: How Black and Latino Youth Navigate Digital Inequality
Torregarcía, Purpura y Agua: Aplicación Histórica de Metodología No Invasiva en una Officina Purpuraria en el Litoral Almeriense (España)
Print Culture and the Formation of the Anarchist Movement in Spain, 1890-1915
The History of Honduras
Rock Art, Water, and Ancestors: The semiotic construction of a sacred landscape in the central Andes (1800 BCE - CE 1820)
Portuguese Oceanic Expansion, 1400-1800
Mulata Nation: Visualizing Race and Gender in Cuba
Freemasonry in the Revolutionary Atlantic World
Latina/o/x Communication Studies: Theories, Methods, and Practice
Tarjeta de Regalo Digital en
Aspiradora y Trapeadora Robot Vacuum S20 US
Minibar 3.4 Pies (MDRT87CCDLS-CA)
Consola de Videojuegos Switch OLED
Tablet Galaxy Tab A9+ Wifi 11", 64GB
Pantalla 32" HD LED Smart, 32SVA1003BT
Teléfono Celular Redmi Note 13 Pro, 256GB
Consola de Videojuegos PlayStation 5 Slim PS5 Digital Edition, 1TB
Lavasecadora Carga Frontal Ultra Motion 15KG (MF200D150WB/T-CA)