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Ponchos y sarapes: El cine mexicano en Buenos Aires (1934-1943)
Soviet Internationalism After Stalin: Interaction and Exchange Between the USSR and Latin America During the Cold War
Soccer in Spain: Politics, Literature, and Film
Mexican American Children and Families: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
The Routledge Handbook of Variationist Approaches to Spanish
Lingüística histórica del español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics
The Question of Class in Contemporary Latin American Cinema
Tratado de Medicina Física Hidrología y Climatología Médica: Turismo de Salud. Cuba
Side Dishes: Latina American Women, Sex, and Cultural Production
The New Entrepreneurs: How Race, Class, and Gender Shape American Enterprise
Violencia, género y migración en el Caribe hispano: Reescribiendo la nación
Constructing a Colonial People: Puerto Rico and the United States, 1898-1932
Prologue to Perón: Argentina in Depression and War, 1930-1943
The Promised Land?: The Lives and Voices of Hispanic Immigrants in the New South
Resistance, Revolution and Fascism: Zapatismo and Assemblage Politics
Mapping the Country of Regions: The Chorographic Commission of Nineteenth-Century Colombia
When Was Latin America Modern?
Order Against Progress: Government, Foreign Investment, and Railroads in Brazil, 1854-1913
Community and Culture in Post-Soviet Cuba
Stories on a String: The Brazilian Literatura de Cordel
Rio de Janeiro: Urban Life through the Eyes of the City
The Third Wave of Democratization in Latin America: Advances and Setbacks
Open Veins of Latin America
The Image of Celestina: Illustrations, Paintings, and Advertisements
Miguel Pro: Martyrdom, Politics, and Society in Twentieth-Century Mexico
Memory and Identity in the Narratives of Soledad Puértolas: Constructing the Past and the Self
Spanish Verbalisations and the Internal Structure of Lexical Predicates
Region, Race, and Class in the Making of Colombia
Providence Island, 1630-1641: The Other Puritan Colony
Spectacle and Topophilia: Reading Early Modern and Postmodern Hispanic Cultures
Las Variedades del Mundo Hispano: Introducción a la Dialectología Española
Popular Politics and Rebellion in Mexico: Manuel Lozada and La Reforma, 1855-1876
Clasificación tipológica de la cerámica del yacimiento de la Edad del Bronce de la Motilla del Azuer (Ciudad Real, España)
North from Mexico: The Spanish-Speaking People of the United States
The American Latino: Psychodynamic Perspectives on Culture and Mental Health Issues
Race and Classification: The Case of Mexican America
The Moral Electricity of Print: Transatlantic Education and the Lima Women's Circuit, 1876-1910
Beyond Sight: Engaging the Senses in Iberian Literatures and Cultures, 1200-1750
Borges and Philosophy: Self, Time, and Metaphysics
To Overcome Oneself: The Jesuit Ethic and Spirit of Global Expansion, 1520-1767
Brazilian Foreign Policy in Changing Times: The Quest for Autonomy from Sarney to Lula
Republic of Capital: Buenos Aires and the Legal Transformation of the Atlantic World
The States of Mexico: A Reference Guide to History and Culture
Priests Parishioners and the Pastoral Visita: The Moral Economy of Village Life in the Diocese of La Paz 1680-1730
Origins of Argentina's Revolution of the Right
Untold Stories of the Spanish Civil War
Reading, Writing, and Errant Subjects in Inquisitorial Spain
Portugal in the 1980s: Dilemmas of Democratic Consolidation
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