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Pícaro and Cortesano: Identity and the Forms of Capital in Early Modern Spanish Picaresque Narrative and Courtesy Literature
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Spanish Women Travelers at Home and Abroad, 1850-1920: From Tierra del Fuego to the Land of the Midnight Sun
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Memory, War, and Dictatorship in Recent Spanish Fiction by Women
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José Carlos Mariátegui's Unfinished Revolution: Politics, Poetics, and Change in 1920s Peru
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The Life of Catalina de Erauso, the Lieutenant Nun: An Early Modern Autobiography
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Human Rights Ombudsmen in Latin America: From Justitieombudsman to Defensor del Pueblo
Cien años de identidad: Introducción a la literatura latinoamericana del siglo XX
Sociolinguistica y Pragmatica del Espanol: Segunda Edicion
Intercultural Interventions: Politics, Community, and Environment in the Otavalo Valley
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The Economic Status of the Hispanic Population: Selected Essays
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Magic Tree House Books 1-28 Boxed Set
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