Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions

Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions

Vibrant Publishers

Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions

Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions

Vibrant Publishers

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Get your hands on one of the first books providing a thorough practice of the Reading and Writing section of the Digital SAT! This book will give you comprehensive practice of the new Reading and Writing practice questions designed according to the latest guidelines for the Digital SAT.

You will have access to an extensive question bank that will familiarize you with the different types of questions and their latest format. Some of the key benefits of using this book are:

  • Practicing with a bank of 300 Reading and Writing questions
  • Getting exposed to a variety of questions from different domains
  • Enhancing the learning process with detailed answer explanations and distractor explanations
  • Attempting and improving at solving questions of various difficulty levels
  • Familiarizing yourself with the latest information about the Digital SAT

Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions will help you take your preparation for the digital test up a notch. It is one of the first books to comprise questions according to the new format and brings a 360-degree learning experience for you.

The questions are designed by SAT experts by following the latest guidelines. All 300 questions have answer explanations that will help you understand why an answer is correct. To go a step ahead, it also has explanations of incorrect answers. You will also find all the latest and necessary information about the exam pattern, question format, time limit, etc in a separate chapter.

Check out the Digital SAT Math Practice Questions and Practice Tests For The Digital SAT books to be fully prepared for the test.

This book is part of Vibrant Publisher's Test Prep series which makes test preparation fruitful for test takers of SAT, ACT, GRE, and GMAT.

About Test Prep Series

The focus of the Test Prep Series is to make test preparation streamlined and fruitful for competitive exam aspirants. Students preparing for the entrance exams can now access the most comprehensive series of prep guides for GRE, GMAT, ACT and SAT preparation. All the books in this series are thoroughly researched, frequently updated, and packed with relevant content that has been prepared by authors with more than a decade of experience in the field.

Formato Tapa suave
Número de Páginas 304
Lenguaje Inglés
Editorial Vibrant Publishers
Fecha de Publicación 2023-03-28
Dimensiones 11.0" x 8.5" x 0.64" pulgadas
Serie Test Prep
Letra Grande No
Con Ilustraciones No
Acerca del Autor

Publishers, Vibrant

Vibrant Publishers is focused on presenting the best texts for learning about technology and business as well as books for test preparation. Categories include programming, operating systems and other texts focused on IT. In addition, a series of books helps professionals in their own disciplines learn the business skills needed in their professional growth.Vibrant Publishers has a standardized test preparation series covering the GMAT, GRE and SAT, providing ample study and practice material in a simple and well organized format, helping students get closer to their dream universities.
Garantía & Otros
Garantía: 30 dias por defectos de fabrica
Peso: 0.708 kg
SKU: 9781636511580
Publicado en 09/01/24
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Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions

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Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions

Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions

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