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Jenifer Gamber

Oración Común para Niños y Familias


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Así como nuestros padres y abuelos tienen sus libros de oraciones que pasaron de generación en generación, este libro pretende ser el libro de oraciones en español de la generación más joven de la iglesia.

Oración Común para Niños y Familias es una colección de oraciones y liturgias escritas para niños y para los adultos o comunidades que oran con ellos. Imaginativamente ilustrado a plumilla, este libro contiene oraciones para la mañana, el mediodía y la noche; oraciones para usar a través del año en la Iglesia y oraciones para todo tipo de ocasiones. En el centro de este libro está la creencia de que la oración forma nuestras vidas, por lo que debe ser accesible y significativa para los niños y niñas. Las oraciones en este libro son llamadas "comunes" por diversas razones. Como el Libro de Oración Común, este busca proveer lenguaje, forma y teología que reúne a los episcopales en la oración compartida. Además, las oraciones reflejan temas familiares para los niños como el hogar, la escuela y el campamento. Pero más que todo, estas oraciones son dichas en comunidad -siempre como parte de la comunidad santa de Dios que incluye a la familia y los amigos, los vivos y los fallecidos, los santos y los pecadores, los ángeles, arcángeles y la compañía de los cielos.

Common Prayer for Children and Families is a collection of prayers and liturgies written for kids and the adults or communities who pray with them.
Whimsically illustrated with pen and ink, this book contains prayers for morning, midday, and evening; prayers throughout the Church year; and prayers for all sorts of occasions. At the heart of this book is the belief that prayer shapes our lives and should be accessible and meaningful for children. The prayers in this book are called "common" for a variety of reasons; like the Book of Common Prayer, it seeks to provide a language, form, and theology that binds Episcopalians in shared prayer. In addition, prayers reflect themes with which children are commonly familiar, like home, school, and camps. Most of all, these prayers are held in common-always done within God's holy community that includes family and friends, the living and the dead, saints and sinners, angels, archangels, and the company of heaven.


Formato Tapa suave
Número de Páginas 144
Lenguaje Español
Editorial Church Publishing
Fecha de Publicación 2020-06-17
Dimensiones 10.0" x 7.9" x 0.4" pulgadas
Descripción de Edición Spanish
Letra Grande No
Con Ilustraciones No
Edad 8-12
Temas Cristiano, Cristiano

Acerca del Autor

González Hernández, Yoimel

Yoimel González Hernández was born in Cuba, where he developed a leadership as a lay person in the Presbyterian Church. He studied in the Seminario Evangélico de Teología, in Matanzas, where he graduated as Licenciado in 2005 and as a Master in 2019. He came to live in the United States in 2016, where be became Episcopalian. He graduated from the Anglican Studies Program in Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS) in 2019 and was ordained as a priest in the Diocese of Washington that same year. He works currently as an Associate Rector in St. Alban´s Episcopal Church, in DC and as a Dean of the Diocesan Latino Deacons´ School.

Jones, Perry Hodgkins

PERRY HODGKINS JONES is an illustrator by night and a non-profit fundraiser by day. She grew up in New Jersey and now lives in the mountains of North Carolina with her spouse, child, and two rambunctious cats. Perry is a graduate of Wellesley College and the School of Theology at the University of the South in Sewanee, where she received an M.A. in Religion and the Environment.

Gamber, Jenifer

Jenifer Gamber is a trusted author of several bestselling books for youth in the Episcopal Church, including My Faith, My Life and Call on Me: A Prayer Book for Young People. She is a sought-after speaker on topics related to Christian formation, teen spirituality, and Christian parenting. She serves as chaplain at St. Patrick's Episcopal Day School and assistant rector at St. Patrick's Parish in Washington, DC, where she lives.

Seamans, Timothy J. S.

TIMOTHY J. S. SEAMANS is the Associate Chaplain for Service and Justice at the Episcopal School of Los Angeles (grades 6-12) in Hollywood. He has served at Episcopal High School in Virginia and Holy Innocents' Episcopal School in Atlanta, where he developed a love for child-centered prayer and teaching children how to lead worship. He speaks regularly on how Christian spirituality intersects with racial justice, interfaith relations, and liturgical creativity. He currently lives in Los Angeles.

Barrie, Wendy Claire

WENDY CLAIRE BARRIE is the author of Faith at Home: A Handbook for Cautiously Christian Parents and a Christian educator with more than thirty years of experience in Episcopal parishes, large and small, urban and suburban, on both coasts. She lives in Seattle, Washington.

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