Reiki Illustrated: The Visual Reference Guide of Hand Positions, Symbols, and Treatment Sequences for Common Conditions

Reiki Illustrated: The Visual Reference Guide of Hand Positions, Symbols, and Treatment Sequences for Common Conditions

Hae Lee

Reiki Illustrated: The Visual Reference Guide of Hand Positions, Symbols, and Treatment Sequences for Common Conditions Reiki Illustrated: The Visual Reference Guide of Hand Positions, Symbols, and Treatment Sequences for Common Conditions

Reiki Illustrated: The Visual Reference Guide of Hand Positions, Symbols, and Treatment Sequences for Common Conditions

Hae Lee

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A fully illustrated reference guide for Reiki practitioners of all levels of experience.

With Reiki Illustrated by Hae Lee, Reiki healers now have a practical resource that presents Reiki symbols, hand placements, and treatment sequences in an accessible, visual way. From the newly attuned Reiki student to the experienced Reiki Master that certifies and trains others, Reiki practitioners will find a wealth of information in this book to strengthen their connection to this beautiful healing modality.

  • Clear illustrations of 40 hand positions for treating the self and others, featuring diverse bodies
  • Concise overview of Reiki symbols including usage and stroke-by-stroke drawing instructions
  • Step-by-step treatment sequences for 80 health issues or concerns ranging from pain and fatigue to grief or low self-esteem
  • Annotated figures for each sequence including numbered markings indicating where hands should be moved
Formato Tapa suave
Número de Páginas 192
Lenguaje Inglés
Editorial Zeitgeist
Fecha de Publicación 2022-11-15
Dimensiones 7.98" x 6.08" x 0.45" pulgadas
Letra Grande No
Con Ilustraciones Si
Temas Salud y Condición Física, Nueva Era
Acerca del Autor
Hae Lee is one of the most sought-after Reiki healers and teachers in Los Angeles, California. She is passionate about helping people heal their mind, body, and spirit, as she is a firm believer that true well-being encompasses a balance and awareness of all three.

One of Hae's goals is to share and teach this beautiful healing modality--that transformed her life--with as many people as pos­sible and prove that anyone can learn to channel Reiki to better heal and understand themselves. She has Reiki certified and trained more than 300 students from all over the world and currently teaches Reiki certification courses online. Her students find her teachings spiritual and transformative, yet very practical and grounded at the same time. Her regular clients include Hollywood producers, celebrities, and business moguls.
Hae is also currently attaining a master's degree in clinical psy­chology at Antioch University in hopes of creating a practice that specializes in a mind-body-spiritual approach in relation to self, oth­ers, and society.

Garantía & Otros
Garantía: 30 dias por defectos de fabrica
Peso: 0.277 kg
SKU: 9780593435656
Publicado en 25/12/23
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Reiki Illustrated: The Visual Reference Guide of Hand Positions, Symbols, and Treatment Sequences for Common Conditions

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Reiki Illustrated: The Visual Reference Guide of Hand Positions, Symbols, and Treatment Sequences for Common Conditions

Reiki Illustrated: The Visual Reference Guide of Hand Positions, Symbols, and Treatment Sequences for Common Conditions

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