En una guerra en contra del Dragón Caído, cuatro reinos trabajaron junto a héroes de otros mundos para atrapar a esta malvada amenaza. Mil años después, el sello que lo mantenía atrapado se ha debilitado y el Dragón Caído ha despertado. Como el Dragón Divino, utiliza sofisticadas estrategias y abundantes opciones de personalización para consumar tu destino: reunir los 12 anillos Emblema y regresar la paz al continente de Elyos
Despierta como un Dragón Divino y acaba con una amenaza milenaria
Enfréntate al combate táctico por turnos y utiliza anillos de emblema para personalizar tu estrategia
Colecciona anillos de emblema y úsalos para invocar héroes de juegos anteriores de Fire EmblemTM
Awesome improvements in graphics, decent gameplay. The story is a bit lacking and could have used more expansion. A step down in character development from 3 houses. Overall fun to play, but doesn't make my top 3 favorite games in the series.
hace 1 año
Awesome improvements in graphics, good maps, overall a fun game to play. I personally thought the storyline was a bit lacking, and I miss the level character development that was introduced in 3 Houses.
hace 1 año
This game haves the most spectacular gameplay while having amazing visuals, it's a pretty game and the music can be very catchy for sure. The story is pretty cheesy but it's pretty good overall, in the beginning it could be slow and boring for some just like any other story but it gets better and...
hace 2 años
FE Engage gave us several interesting maps that play with terrain; the mechanics of each class have been reworked so most classes few unique and valuable— you can't have an entire party of just one type of unit.
hace 2 años
FE Engage gave us several interesting maps that play with terrain; the mechanics of each class have been reworked so most classes few unique and valuable— you can't have an entire party of just one type of unit.
hace 2 años
I pre-ordered fire emblem engage, and played it near release date. I've played multiple games in the fire emblem series including Fates, Three Houses, Shadows of Valentia, Awakening and more.
hace 1 año
When gameplay is what matters. Little filler. I've loved Fire Emblem for years. Nostalgic and new combined for an awesome RTS game.
hace 1 año
I want to start this review with the pretext that I absolutly love the Fire Emblem series i've played the vast majority of Fire Emblem games and I rank it as my favorite gaming series ever with that said this new entry is far from perfect the story characters and setting feel very basic and bland...
hace 1 año
Got the Divine edition, and I don't regret it one bit! The gameplay is fun, characters are silly and likeable, and even though the story is short, there's tons to do such as exploring the Somniel, fighting in the arena, talking to allies, playing with the rings and even feeding your pet!
hace 1 año
I cringed the whole time I was playing. The story and characters just ooze with cheesiness and full of anime tropes, that made it very difficult to get through I didn’t care if any my units died bc there was no connection.